Page 10 - FMS_ArtGuitar_English
P. 10
Benefits for the Buyer 1. You will become a Peace Builder by supporting the implementation of projects in which children and young people are empowered as leaders for change in their territories. 2. Receive a valuable work of intervened art by a visual artist or a celebrity. 3. Media presence through freepress, which the media agency Grupo Trébol Comunicaciones and its director Paula Jaramillo manage for ARTGUITAR. 4. Your business could appear on the advertisement page that will be published in El Tiempo, which will list the companies that purchased the works of art. 5. The Foundation will provide you a certificate for the value of your donation, deducting the symbolic value of the artist’s work. 6. Presence at the ArtGuitar launch in Bogotá, with the artists who modified the guitars, the media, celebrity artists and Juanes. Art Guitar Fundación Mi Sangre
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